
To support our projects we have designed three basic concepts which enable us to implement SharePoint solutions effectively and efficiently. Those concepts are called:

  • IntranetPoint; a basic solution on top of Microsoft SharePoint for implementing a corporate intranet platform to support information workers and streamline information processes.
  • InternetPoint; a basic solution on top of Microsoft Sharepoint for implementing a userfriendly internet and extranet platform to support communication and interaction with external parties like, customers, members, prospects, etc.
  • CRMpoint; a basic solution for developing personal dashboards, selfservice and e-mailmarketing by integrating Microsoft Sharepoint with Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Ax.

Besides the concepts we also have developed a library of components that we use in projects and are part of the concepts. Some of the components are also available as seperate products that can be integrated in an existing SharePoint environment. Those components are:

  • Banners module
  • CMS Light for Windows SharePoint Services (WSS 3.0)
  • FAQ module
  • Simple forms module to create and maintain webforms without needing InfoPath
  • Google optimalisation module to improve search ranking
  • Newsletter module for creating and maintaining e-mail newsletters within SharePoint
  • Weblog module
  • YouTube video integration module

If you want more information about our concepts or products please contact us.